Climate Footprint
At Nord Academic, we state the climate impact of our publications from print-ready PDF to delivery of the printed book to our warehouse in Køge, Denmark. In October 2020, we began including the book’s carbon footprint in the colophon. Starting in 2023, this footprint is now displayed on the back cover of the book as follows:

We compile CO2 emission from the production of all raw materials: paper, cover cardboard, ink, glue, and the energy consumption of the printing, bookbindery and any subcontractor as well as all other emissions in the companies, including the transport of materials to and between manufacturers. Presently, we can state precise climate footprints of approximately 90% of our book production.
The climate footprint of transport from our warehouse to the individual book buyer depends on the type of purchase – i.e. whether the book is sent from Nord Academic’s warehouse to a bookshop or directly to a private address. It can only be estimated, so we do not yet specify it. Our goal is to make the climate footprint of all forms of transport visible.
The credit to emit – i.e. climate neutralization of the individual book – we buy at South Pole. We currently support production of green power in the form of hydro and wind power.
Calculation of the CO2 footprint
The CO2 footprint is calculated with the tool ClimateCalc, which is based on the European graphic standard for carbon calculation defined by the European trade association Intergraf (
Intergraph’s standard is the only international graphic standard for carbon calculation in the world. The standard is important as it ensures that everyone who uses it calculates on the same basis. In addition, the ClimateCalc tool is in compliance with the requirements for preparing climate accounts according to ISO 14064-1, ISO 16759 and the international Green House Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol).
Read more about ClimateCalc, SouthPole and Green House Gas Protocol’s three scopes.